Finisher & Finisher R
The universal mechanical cleaning solution
Finisher and Finisher R are compatible with all rotary or reciprocating endo systems.
Gently abrade canal walls and dislodge debris in difficult-to-reach areas.
Non-cutting and non-active tip.
Initial Treatment
Up to 98% bacterial reduction in the main canal1
Finisher R
2x more removal of remaining root filling material for Finisher R vs. PUI2

Superior resistance to cyclic fatigue vs. rotary files*

*Internal testing. Data on file.
1Azim AA, Aksel H, Zhuang T, Mashtare T, Babu JP, Huang GT. Efficacy of 4 Irrigation Protocols in Killing Bacteria Colonized in Dentinal Tubules Examined by a Novel Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Analysis. J Endod. 2016;42(6):928 934. doi:10.1016/j.joen.2016.03.009
2 De-Deus G, Belladonna FG, Zuolo AS, et al. XP-endo Finisher R instrument optimizes the removal of root filling remnants in oval-shaped canals. Int Endod J. 2019;52(6):899-907. doi:10.1111/iej.13077
Finisher - Protocol card EN/FR/DE
Finisher - Protocol card ES/IT/PT
Finisher - Instructions for use EN/FR/DE
Finisher - Instructions for use ES/IT/PT
Finisher - Instructions for use DA/FI/SV
Finisher - Instructions for use PL/EL/NL
Finisher R - Instructions for use EN/FR/DE
Finisher R - Instructions for use ES/IT/PT
Finisher R - Instructions for use DA/FI/SV
Finisher R - Instructions for use PL/EL/NL
Finisher - Brochure EN
Finisher - Brochure FR
Finisher - Brochure DE
Finisher - Brochure ES
Finisher - Brochure PT
Finisher - Brochure IT